Shaming My Former Bully

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April 7, 2014 by mark81186

A bully, a neanderthal basically, from my past just recently tried to connect with me on the professional networking site, LinkedIn. I was surprised for two reasons, one, I’m surprised he is a “professional”, upon glancing at his profile he isn’t because when I’m looking for someone to do my yard work, I look for someone who likes to go four wheeling (idiot), and two, I guess he forgot about the shit he put me through when I was younger.

These kind of bullies are the worst, the ones with no couth. He doesn’t realize what kind of shit he put other people through in school. He thinks everything is right with the world and everybody likes him. Wrong, guy!

These are just some of the things he put me through when I was younger:

  • Made fun of my weight
  • Threatened my life
  • Threw my baseball bat into a tree as a joke
  • Had his cousin do donuts in my yard
  • I had to run down my dirt road home after I got off the bus because I was in fear
  • Kicked my cat
  • Made fun of my mom
  • Broke into my house and threw trash all over the place

The list could go on and on, but I would be writing all day. Because of this neanderthal, I deal with depression and anxiety. I never had a social life in high school because I was afraid to leave my house, it was the only place I felt safe even though that wasn’t all that great either.

That’s another thing, too, he had no idea what was going on in my personal life. My mom worked nights all the time and even had a second job for awhile, so, we were left at home with our alcoholic father. He was verbally abusive and caused me and my siblings a lot of pain. But, hey, you got your jabs and laughs in at my expense.

I know I shouldn’t still be upset about all of this, but I still am. I blocked it out for a long time, but now I’m more brave and confident. I’m stronger now and I guarantee my life is better than your sad, pathetic one no matter how successful and rich you may be because according to my friends they either have no recollection of you or they think you are a huge dick.

They aren’t wrong.

In the words of the late Joseph N. Welch, “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

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