Douchebags and Bullies, or Why I Don’t Plan on Attending My High School Reunion

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February 6, 2014 by mark81186

Coming this June, it would have been ten years since I graduated from the “hallowed halls” of Cony High School. I hadn’t given it much thought until recently I wad added to the Facebook group talking about a ten year reunion.

Two things came to mind when I saw this, one, hasn’t Facebook killed the concept of the high school reunion and two, why exactly do I want to go to this?

High school for the most part was okay. I had made some good friends and had some good times, not many, but some. I had my fair share of bullies and, lets be honest, douchebags that were always on my case, so, why exactly do I want to see these people again.

I’ll give you some examples, after Ohio State had won the National Championship over Miami in my freshman year, I decided to wear my old Ohio State jersey that I had laying around. As I was walking to class, a group of guys proceed to yell “faggot” at me. Real nice.

These same group of guys shouted the same slur at me they drove by me when I was walking to where my mom worked. I tried to brush it aside, but it is incredibly hard. It still sticks with me to this day. I’m not even gay, but because I didn’t have a girlfriend and that I was kind of a dork, it made me a “faggot”.

I still harbor a lot of anger and angst from these people. I think its the reason I suffer from anxiety and depression to this day, so, why would I want to put myself back into that situation.

Another person had threatened to kill me. I only found out after my brother told my mom and she called the cops. Again, I was called some really awful names as a result of my mom calling the cops.

I was overweight, something I still struggle with, and bullies pointed that out to me, too. You think I don’t know I’m overweight? Trust me, I know.

I did have some friends that ripped on me, but I knew that they were joking and I would give it right back. This is NOT the same thing as the previous examples. I wouldn’t be opposed to having some drinks with people I actually enjoyed in high school.

I made it out alive. I’m a hockey writer for the Boston Bruins on a fantastic website. My hockey articles have made some major publications and read my thousands of people. I’m doing alright. I couldn’t care less about what my asshole bullies are doing now.

Not everyone was a bully towards me. A lot of people were great and friendly, but its the few rotten, soulless assholes that made my high school experience not so pleasant at times.

Thanks for the invite to the reunion, but I respectfully decline.


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