All Star Games Are Pointless

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February 18, 2013 by mark81186

Tonight is the NBA All-Star Game and, honestly, I couldn’t care less. I love watching sports on TV and all, but All-Star Games just suck so badly. With the exception of the MLB All-Star Game, there is nothing on the line and the players don’t give two shits about the game.

Take the NFL’s Pro Bowl for instance, the game is played at the end of the year, so, why  should the players even want to play. They don’t play any defense and the players that get selected don’t even play because of an “injury”. Look at the NFC quarterbacks chosen for this year’s game, NONE of them even made the trip to Honolulu. Basically, you have quarterbacks that weren’t great, but kind of sucked anyways. WOW! Great game! The NFL has threatened to take away the game and the players are putting up a fight to save it. Why? The players don’t even want to play, so, why should they save it? Even if the players wanted to play, NFL fans don’t give a shit about the fuckin’ Pro Bowl. It sucks so badly.

The NBA All-Star Game used to be something. In the 80s. Bird, Magic, Jordan, Wilkins and the famous slam dunk competition. Jordan versus Dominique was a pretty good rivalry for a slam dunk contest, but now there are players like Terrence Ross, Jeremy Evans, and James White. I actually had to Google these names because NO ONE KNOWS WHO THE FUCK THEY ARE!!! The dunks have all been done before and most aren’t even that impressive. Blake Griffin barely jumped over the front of a car and everyone lost their shit because he jumped over a “car”. Yokels.

At least the NHL is trying to spice things up by having a fantasy-type draft. Its different, but it gets the fans attention and its not to prototypical East vs. West game. The MLB All-Star Game actually has playoff implications, so, the players really have no choice but to actually pretend like they give a shit. The winner gets home field in the World Series.

So, really sports fans, what is so interesting about athletes not playing any defense and just televising a glorified shootaround? NOTHING!

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