Having a Positive Attitude Pays Off Dividends

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February 13, 2013 by mark81186

Last year, I was having a miserable time at work. People around me were in a bad mood and as a result I had a bad attitude towards my work. I knew that I didn’t want to end up like this, so, at the end of 2012 I told myself to have a better attitude for 2013. So far, its worked out very well.

People’s little foibles used to irritate the shit out of me and, to be honest, made me look like a complete asshole. I knew inside that I hated myself for being this way, but for some reason I couldn’t help it. People around me were throwing off negative vibes and that will tend to rub off on the cheeriest of people.

One of my co-workers, who is from the old school where you are brutally honest and just say what is on your mind, told me that I was a bot high strung. After hearing that, I knew I had to make a change.

Work has been the biggest difference. I have been going into work with a completely different attitude and my co-workers, I think, see me in a different light. I was never really a jerk to my co-workers, but my body language gave off negative vibes. I get along better with my co-workers and try to ignore the “Negative Nancies” of the world.

One person I work with kept complaining one day. Everything that came out of their mouth was a complaint or a negative comment. I finally told this person, “The next thing I want to hear from you is something positive”. Of course it wasn’t, but I gave it the ol’ college try.

There’s no real secret into getting a better attitude other than just waking up or going into work in a good mood. Are there days that I’d rather not be working? Sure, but its not a big deal. After all, I am an adult and I do need to make a living. Little things used to bug the shit out of me, but now I think, “Is it getting all this worked up for?” The answer 9 out of 10 times is, no. Someone left something in the wrong spot, so what? Its not worth ruining your day or anyone around you their day either.

Do I still have work to do? Absolutely. Pobody’s Nerfect (See what I did there? Thank you, Simpsons) Hey, Rome wasn’t built overnight.

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