This PC World is Killing Us

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January 12, 2013 by mark81186

I was going through the news headlines on my phone and I came across one that read, “Seth MacFarlane gets backlash for Hitler joke at Oscar nominations” So, naturally I thought the joke was wildly offensive considering the way Family Guy does on a weekly basis, but then I heard the joke.

The joke was about the movie “Amour”, a movie about the hot dog or something I don’t really know, and how both Austria and Germany co-produce the film:

“I read ‘Amour’ was co-produced by Austria and Germany. The last time Austria and Germany co-produced something it was Hitler, but this was much better.”

Really. That was it. People are upset over that. I thought it was pretty damn funny.

First of all, isn’t it true though. Austria and Germany did help bring Hitler onto this Earth. Secondly, he didn’t insult the movie one iota, he actually said the movie was better than Hitler, but then again everything else is better than Hitler, So, I’m trying to just figure out why people are so upset and I think I’ve figured it out. The word “Hitler” was in it.

Since the word “Hitler” was in his joke, I think that drove people to think that he went too far. That is what comedy has become like in our much too PC world. Some words are taboo and comedians get a lot of flack for it. Jennifer Aniston caught a lot of heat for using the word “faggot” in the movie “Horrible Bosses”. Hey, dummies, Aniston is playing a character and its not like she used the word with such malice. The same was done about a Vince Vaughn-Kevin James piece of shit, but it could’ve been edited out simply because it was a piece of shit. Saying it in real life is one thing, but in the make believe world of movies, it should be okay to say because, unfortunately, it happens in real life.

Quentin Tarantino’s new film “Django Unchained” is being boycotted by Spike Lee and others because of the numerous time the word “nigger” is used. The movie takes place during the days of slavery and isn’t that what they said back then? Its a horrible thing for them to have said, but you can’t change history and Tarantino was going for realism over trying to placate to everyone.

George Carlin and Richard Pryor wouldn’t survive in this pussified world that we are becoming. Comedy has to be too safe just in case you might offend someone, but I ask you this, isn’t that what stand-up comedians do? Don’t they go and pick on people’s foibles at times? I know all the comedians I like do (or did, RIP Patrice Oneal), but I fear that they are now a dying breed.

If we can’t make Hitler jokes, then aren’t we becoming Hitler sympathizers?

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